Splendid Delights to Sink Your Teeth Into

We are led by our passions for all things born of the past and found in the present.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Oven Dried Tomatoes

At BeckwithRoad, we have been indulging in all things tomato. Our garden is overflowing with many delicious varieties. We cut our teeth on tomato sandwiches, just the beginning of a life-long love affair with homegrown, honest tomatoes (not the type found in most markets). One way to extend the season just a bit longer is to "Oven Dry" them for later use.

~Oven Dried Tomatoes~
tomatoes, any amount up to 6 pounds
1/2 cup olive oil
thyme, fresh sprigs or dried
1-2 fresh garlic cloves (not garlic heads), finely minced by hand or with a garlic press
sugar (sparingly~like you would use salt)

You will need 1 to 2 cookie sheets with rims, depending on how many tomatoes you are drying. I use a Silpat on the bottom of my pans though it is not necessary-it just makes for easier cleanup.

Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
Cut all tomatoes in half, through the stem end. Gently remove excess seeds. Sprinkle cut sides lightly with salt, pepper, and sugar(easy does it). If you are using dried thyme, sprinkle it on the tomatoes lightly now too. (If using thyme sprigs, just lay them around the tomatoes on the cookie sheets). Pour most of the olive oil on the bottom of the rimmed cookie sheets saving a little to drizzle over the tomatoes. Place the garlic in the oil, evenly dispersing it. Place the tomatoes cut side down on the oiled cookie sheets. Make a slit in each tomato (this will make removing the skins easier later). Drizzle the remaining olive oil over the tomatoes and place in the oven. If you are using more than one cookie sheet, you will shift the pans from top to bottom part way through the baking process. Bake 45 minutes or until tomato skins begin to shrivel. Remove pans from oven and gently pull off skins. Turn tomatoes over and continue baking 1-2 hours longer. Remove from oven when tomatoes have shrunken, but are still plump. Discard thyme sprigs if you are using them.

Layer tomatoes into a covered container. Add more olive oil to cover. Use a knife pressed around the edges of the container to gently release any air bubbles. At this point tomatoes may be stored in the fridge for 2 months and up to 6 months in the freezer.
You may wonder why go to all the trouble to do this? When you treat tomatoes to this method of preserving, all the juices intensify and sweeten-even tomatoes from the store are surprisingly better when oven dried. There are so many uses for oven dried tomatoes. They add a punch of flavor to pasta salads, pasta sauces, salads, great on burgers and sandwiches, and so on. We have been preparing tomatoes this way for years. Try it~you won't be disappointed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very interesting.