Splendid Delights to Sink Your Teeth Into

We are led by our passions for all things born of the past and found in the present.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July

We celebrate our declaration of independence today.
We have parades, picnics, family outings, and freedom because of the heroes who founded our country.
Here's a nod to just a few of the men we owe appreciation to for all their sacrifice and hard work in our humble beginnings

A picture depicting one of the most amazing military feats George Washington led~to our eventual victory!

Thank you George Washington!

Thank you John Adams and by the way how amazing that our second and third presidents died on the same day on the 4th of July.

Thomas Jefferson, self-sacrificing for the future of all Americans.

Benjamin Franklin

Our flag still flys freely!
We celebrate with meaning the glorious 4th of July

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