Splendid Delights to Sink Your Teeth Into

We are led by our passions for all things born of the past and found in the present.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Tim Walker...most of you may already know...but if you don't, (his work is astounding) he is a genius photographer/artist who teamed up on this project with set designer Rhea Thierstein. Upon seeing the April issue of W Magazine...drawn to it by the cover of Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender...and flipping through my newly purchased copy...my eyes clapped upon the article, Blow-Up...these images are so jaw-dropping gorgeous, much bigger than life itself, and so much so that I found they changed the perspective of how I view these famous works of art~how brilliant! Pure exhilaration is found in beholding and scouring the details of each picture. There are more in W than we have shown here. Click on each photo to enlarge, but better yet get a copy at your local newstand. 

We can't do these justice...you must buy a copy if you don't already subscribe. W Magazine is a large..larger than most in scale, glossy magazine. These photos are best displayed within those pages. 

You must take in every detail...each piece enhances the overall impression. 

How ironic!

Delicious bits of finery...scattered with abandon.
The setting for these scenes is a vast Elizabethan Estate in Suffolk, England...Glemham Hall. 
The concept was to cause the characters in each piece of art to fall out into the reality of today. 


Anonymous said...

really, really, really, really cool!!!!

Anonymous said...

amazingly beautiful!